
 I thought parenting has always been a difficult thing that can be done in a thousand different ways. There are thousands of websites and books that claim they have the superior method of parenting. It’s hard to think how I will parent my own kids when I’m not even married yet. In class we talked about different ways parenting can be done. Popkin’s purpose in parenting was to protect, prepare, survive, and thrive. To also teach the child courage, self-esteem, responsibility, cooperation, and respect. I agree with Pobkin's purpose of parenting and the qualities he wants to teach children. To protect their child so they can grow up in a safe environment. To eliminate the danger that their child might be faced with while growing up. To protect them from bad influences that might surround him/her. To also prepare their child to learn and grow, through trials and making mistakes in their life. Popkin also talked about allowing the child to receive natural consequences. Such as having the child learn for themselves the consequences of their decisions. He also stated how the parent should get involved when that lesson will be taught too late in the future, such as dropping out of school. The consequence won’t happen right away, but will hugely affect them later in life where they couldn’t learn from it. Surviving and thriving are probably the most important in Popkin's purposes in my opinion. To provide shelter, food, and clean water to your child. To allow them to thrive as a person and fulfill their needs as a growing child. Having a basic understanding of how children develop, knowing how to satisfy their needs, and learning what skills you will need for parenting and caregiving are all important tools that can strengthen families. Creating a sense of belonging for children can create an environment where learning can thrive. When learning feels open and collaborative, children feel safe to share ideas. They are confident in applying their knowledge or skills and are supported when they take a risk or even experience failure. When children feel like someone knows them and believes in them, there is a greater motivation to succeed. Children build and experience attachments with people as soon as they are born. Positive relationships that are warm, caring and consistent help children feel safe and secure. When children experience these relationships, they learn to use these skills in their own relationships with others. Developing and maintaining strong attachments with familiar adults and friends can have a positive effect on their mental health and well-being. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe being a parent has an eternal purpose and can be rewarding, enlightening, and joyful. But because families come in all shapes and sizes and face their own unique challenges, raising children can also seem overwhelming or exhausting at times. Fortunately, we don’t have to do it alone. With the guidance of our Heavenly Father, the support of the Savior and His gospel, and the prayerful application of inspired counsel, we can find help and hope for our parenting journey. This brings me a lot of comforts, to know that I won’t be alone when I’m lost or confused as a parent. I will be able to ask for guidance and be guided and feel the love of my loving Heavenly Father. I will also have a loving wife who I can lean on and she can lean on me during difficult times. I know I'm not going to be a parent for a while, but I know I can get through it successfully. 


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